Sharing Some Inspiring Uplifting News For Those Maintaining Recovery By My Friend, Ms. Deborah Perdue, Author . . .

We Just Can’t Have Enough Gratitude in Our Lives!

Thank you to new subscribers!

My name is Deborah Perdue, and it’s my heart’s calling to share and spread gratitude in the world. Many thanks to my loyal gratitude tribe too. If you are not already signed up, you can receive Daily Gratitude Reflections Mon-Fri by emailing me at

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”  ~John F. Kennedy Jr.      

Happy October!

Living in gratitude is key to a life filled with peace, joy, and plenty. Focusing on what we love always yields the best results, rather than focusing on what’s wrong. I know from personal experience how potent it is to live in gratitude.

Although I’m not there 24/7, I reside in thankfulness a lot. Since 2012, when I first started a Gratitude Journal, my life has transformed in miraculous ways. The benefits of having a gratitude practice daily are proven and numerous: better physical and emotional health, better sleep, improved self-esteem, and a happier outlook on life in general, to name just a few.

It is documented scientifically that being consciously grateful helps with all of this and more. In fact, psychologists and psychiatrists often suggest to their depressed clients that they start a gratitude journal.


• Read books on gratitude

Here are some great ones I recommend, and there are many more: 
The Little Book of Gratitude by Dr. Robert A. Emmons Ph.D.; Gratitude: A Way of Life by Louise Hay; Moonlight Gratitude, by Emily Silva; Daily Gratitude Reflections, Vol. 2 by Deborah Perdue.

• Write in a Gratitude Journal – (truly gorgeous journals!)

Beginners: start out by listing 5 things you are grateful for every day. Do this for 40 days and your life will improve dramatically. Then, keep going after the 40 days so it becomes a beneficial habit. If you already write in a journal, consider writing paragraphs about each thing, rather than making a short list.

• Make an altar, and have a special box to put things you are grateful for every day. 

Keep putting in notes of gratitude. At the end of a month or a year, take them all out and savor and appreciate each note.

• Create and decorate Gratitude Reminders for yourself, or indulge in shopping 

If you are creative, make a wooden sign or decorate a coffee mug or tea cup with sweet reminders of gratitude. If you can afford them, have fun buying some decorations for your house that have thoughts of Thanksgiving.

• An extra-fun idea – leave mini altars everywhere with notes of gratitude 

I was lucky to travel to magical Bali many years back. On-street corners and all kinds of places, there were special altars to Hindu gods and goddesses. Consider making Gratitude Altars (maybe decorated boxes with a note inside for someone to express your gratitude) for others to find!

• Listen to Jess Hyslop’s Gratitude Meditation for 40 days and more!

Enter to win a FREE Book!

I will be sending my pocketbook “Grace of Gratitude Reflections” to 10 lucky subscribers – first come, first served… Just reply to my email: to be added and entered in the contest. Include your mailing address.
(U.S. Subscribers only due to Int’l shipping costs.
If you are internationally based, I will send a free PDF)

Karen Drucker is a Gratitude Goddess. She has written many songs of thankfulness.
Look her up onYouTube. Here is just one song:

You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success – none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here.” 
~Ram Dass 

Oh, to remember this every second of my life! I am eternally grateful for every minute that I DO know and realize the truth of the inherent love that is the truth of life, of me, of every single bit of life.Let me love without measure. And let me love myself as much as those I adore. Let me love, love and then love some more. Thank you.

From Day 4 from Daily Gratitude Reflections, Vol. 2 by Deborah Perdue

Wishing you a wonderful month, filled with miracles! 
Love and Light,
Deborah Perdue